L is an exceptional nanny. She is hardworking and diligent, incredibly patient and always kind. The children have all thrived in her care and continue to blossom in a myriad of ways thanks to her guidance. L’s ability to juggle an extremely busy household with four young children, ranging in age from two to five years old when she first joined, is evidence in itself of her capabilities.

L always goes above and beyond our expectations with age-appropriate activities both at home and on outings, with varied and healthy meals and snacks cooked from scratch (often with children helping!) and most importantly from our perspective by maintaining a calm and happy environment where the children feel secure and loved. This is in no small part down to her impressive organisational skills, which ensure she’s always two steps ahead.

an illustrated etching of a Norland hat

L has consistently excelled in all areas, both planned and unplanned. She took the lead in both potty training the twin boys aged two and a half and in their transition from cots to beds, as well as advising and guiding when the time came to drop their lunch time sleep. She was instrumental in sending them into nursery and also our eldest son into Reception at ‘big school’.

The unprecedented period of lockdown reinforced L’s talents. We had a daughter in Year 1 and a son in Reception who both required homeschooling and twin boys aged three to look after and my husband and I were both working. The ease with which L adapted to this incredibly trying time and her willingness to embrace all aspects of family life during Covid-19 ensured the children had a happy, fulfilling and positive three months at home. I would find it impossible to identify any areas where L has not excelled and where there is room for improvement – she is genuinely the best of the best and we feel incredibly lucky that she is part of our family.

She is a credit to Norland and upholds your values to the highest standards on a daily basis. I will always be happy to be contacted directly by future employers to reiterate all of the above and am confident that she will thrive in all future positions. Thank you L – we all love you!

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