Norland celebrates first degree awarding ceremonies
4 April 2022

Norland celebrated its 130th anniversary year by awarding its very own degrees for the first time since being granted taught degree awarding powers in 2019.
The 141st cohort of students (known as Set 41) took its place in history as the very first to graduate with a Norland-awarded degree. The graduands proudly wore the brand new Norland graduation gown with its symbolic colours of brown, blue and gold to receive the new degree certificate adorned with a newly commissioned coat of arms.
The graduation gown colours symbolise Norland’s heritage and ethos. The brown reflecting the iconic uniform and brand colour, the gold symbolising Norland’s reputation in providing gold-standard early years training and learning, and the blue representing the speedwell flower that has been a treasured Norland emblem since the very first graduate badges featuring the flower were introduced in the early 1900s.

Norland also unveiled its new coat of arms at the historic event. The heraldic design features a golden guardian owl sitting in its nest of three owlets, mirroring the exceptional training, knowledge and nurturing commitment of Norlanders to the children in their care.
150 students from sets 41 and 42 attended the Norland degree ceremonies, proudly witnessed by family, friends, staff, students, employers and other supporters at the Celtic Manor International Conference Centre on 31 March–1 April 2022.
The occasion was especially poignant as two cohorts have had to wait over a year for their special event marking their degree and diploma graduation. The delay meant that Set 41 returned in the afternoon following their degree ceremony to attend their second graduation ceremony for the awarding of the Norland diploma, following a swift change of dress. Set 40 also proudly graduated from their diploma at the event.

Graduates traditionally wear the iconic formal Norland uniform to receive their diploma certificate, badge (featuring the speedwell flower) and prestigious professional title Norlander or Norland Nanny, as graduates of the Bath-based centre for early years higher education are known.
Dr Janet Rose, Principal of Norland, said: “We’re incredibly proud to see our very first students graduate with a Norland-awarded degree. This event represents a significant milestone in our 130-year history and demonstrates how Norland remains at the forefront of raising the status and value of the childcare profession. Norland’s unparalleled reputation in the field of early years is now matched with the privilege and responsibilities of taught degree awarding powers.”
Search #NorlandGraduation on social media to see updates and pictures from our graduation ceremonies.