As a Norlander, you’ll enjoy 100% guaranteed employment opportunities and lifelong support

As a fully qualified Norland graduate, or Norlander, you’ll have your very own dedicated in-house recruitment agency. The Norland Agency is as old as Norland itself, set up in parallel with the Norland Institute to place the first cohort of nannies into employment.

There are not many professions that can offer guaranteed employment opportunities, but at Norland demand from families for qualified Norland graduates outstripped supply from day one and continues to do so today. Norland Agency works exclusively with Norlanders to place them in positions all over the world, working as nannies and maternity practitioners. Once qualified, Norlanders have exclusive access to a list of clients who specifically want to employ a Norland Nanny through the Norland Agency.

The lifelong support you’ll receive as a Norlander is also something which has continued since the early days of Norland. You’ll have the opportunity to join the Professional Association of Norlanders (PAN) and have exclusive access to an active Continuous Professional Development (CPD) training programme to pursue specialist topics and ensure your knowledge and skills are kept up to date. Today’s Norlanders turn to the private Norlander Facebook group for peer support, telephone or email the Norland Agency and Alumni team or simply drop in. Norlanders can always be sure of support and friendship, whenever and wherever they are in the world.

Read our Norland Nanny Careers Guide
boy and Norland nanny in a garden

Norland Nannies discuss their careers so far

Watch Hermione's My Norland Story to find out how she uses her early years degree and diploma training every day as a Norland Nanny
Explore life as a Norlander by watching our Norland Unwrapped which focused on the career pathways of our graduates
Pollyanna (Set 37) spoke at Norland Unwrapped about life as a Norland Nanny, work-life balance, studying a Masters and much more.
Fully-qualified Norland Nanny Charlotte discusses the job opportunities and support she's received since graduating in her My Norland Story.
Norlander Alice gives a presentation at a Norland open day about her experience at Norland and her incredible career so far in the four years since she qualified.

130 career pathways

View careers

To mark our 130th anniversary, we’ve been building an extensive list of careers Norlanders have gone on to enjoy in the early years sector and beyond.

Norland graduates share their career stories

child and nanny interacting

The life of a Norland Nanny

Chloe describes her daily role as a Norland Nanny and the joy of caring for a young child from an early age.

Watch Chloe's story
child crawling in nursery setting

Nursery owner

Julia shares her experience of establishing her own nursery, an Ofsted Outstanding nursery setting.

Read Julia’s story
early years teacher holding child

Nannying offers the perfect route into teaching

After nannying, Helen went on to complete her teacher training and now teaches in a reception class in Twickenham.

Watch Helen's story
a female graduate who is now a maternity nurse smiling

Maternity Nurse

Lorna describes how her Norland training helped her to become a Maternity Nurse.

Read Lorna’s story
early years lecturer teaching class of students

Early years lecturer and consultant

After a successful nanny career, Claire returned to Norland as a lecturer and trainer and now runs her own consultancy.

Read Claire’s story
ski instructor on top of mountain

Early years ski instructor

Claire is a Professional Ski Instructor of America (PSIA) specialising in teaching young children to ski.

Read Claire’s story
female headshot

PhD studies in developmental psychology

Maihri describes how Norland transformed her confidence in her academic abilities and led her to pursue research.

Read Mhairi’s story
female headshot

Postgraduate Diploma in Children’s Nursing

Eloise’s hospital placement experience and Norland qualifications secured her place on a competitive nursing course.

Read Eloise’s story

Qualified Norlanders enjoy outstanding career prospects through the Agency

Find out why you should study at Norland
Icon for 100% guaranteed employability for Norlanders

100% guaranteed employability for Norlanders

Icon for 6 permanent jobs for every Norlander seeking one

6 permanent jobs for every Norlander seeking one

Icon for £47,600 average starting salary for Norlanders through the agency

£47,600 average starting salary for Norlanders through the agency

Icon for Two prestigious qualifications that open many doors

Two prestigious qualifications that open many doors

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Our upcoming events

a male and a female student holding a sign that says Welcome to Norland at an open day

Open day – 17 May 2025

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a male Norland student holding a smiling baby

Norland Unwrapped: A day in the life of a Norland Nanny — 5 June 2025

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TEF gold award
Whatuni Student Choice Award Gold logo for the higher education provider voted the best small or specialist intitution
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